15 de junho de 2007


Parece que a menina Alba gosta do amor pouco duradouro. Compreende-se e, inclusivamente, agradece-se.

Diz ela á revista Cosmopolitan que, no fundo, tem mau acordar:

"I just wanted to see what it was like to be with different people. I don't think a girl's a slut if she enjoys sex... I could have a one-night stand, and I'm the kind of girl who looks over in the morning and is like, 'Do you really have to be here?' I don't need to cuddle and do all that stuff because I know what it is and I don't try to make it more."
A actriz referiu-se ainda aos seus longinquos 12 anos de idade:
"Even when I was a virgin and wanted to marry the first guy who I slept with, I never passed any judgments about that. But now I'm done with dating around."

A única coisa que me lembro de vos dizer é... "primeiros".

Noticia The Sun

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